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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Ashworth Vision Clinic a proud provider of vision care products and services in West Des Moines.

Barbara Scheetz, Optometrist

Photo of Dr. ScheetzDr. Barbara Scheetz is a Des Moines native, a graduate of Dowling High School, and Drake University. She received her Doctor of Optometry Degree from the University of Houston in 1989. Upon graduating, she returned to practice in the Des Moines area.

In 1997 Dr. Scheetz was appointed by the governor to be a member of the Iowa Board of Optometric Examiners, which she was a part of for nine years. In 1998, Barbara received “The Young Optometrist of the Year Award” for the state of Iowa. The award is given to an optometrist who shows leadership, dedication, and commitment to the profession.

Dr. Scheetz is married and the couple have a love for Drake basketball games, camping, traveling and spending time with their kids and grandchildren.

Ashley Valencic, Optometrist

Dr V PhotoDr. Ashley Valencic joined Ashworth Vision Clinic in 2023. A native to northeast Ohio, she received her bachelor’s degree in biology from Gannon University in 2008 and her doctorate degree from Illinois College of Optometry in 2012.

While at Gannon University, Dr. Valencic was a member and captain of the women’s basketball team. She is now a member of the Iowa Optometric Association and a board member for Iowa Kids Sight.

In addition to primary care, she is certified in functional medicine and believes that a healthy lifestyle gives you the best chance to have great vision. She loves working with the pediatric population to ensure they have their best vision for learning and any activities they enjoy.

Dr. Valencic, her husband, and five children live south of Indianola and call that community home. She loves spending time with her family, coaching her children, reading, and being outdoors.

Alexander Welsch, Optometrist

Dr WDr. Alexander Welsch, originally from Greenfield, Iowa, pursued his undergraduate studies at Grand View University. He played 4 years of college basketball as a member of the Viking men’s basketball team. After gaining valuable experience as an optical lab manager in the eyecare industry, he fulfilled his lifelong dream by earning his Doctor of Optometry Degree from Indiana University School of Optometry in 2024.

Returning to Iowa with his wife, Danielle, Dr. Welsch is dedicated to serving his community through full-scope primary eye care, with special interests in dry eye care, scleral contact lenses, and orthokeratology. His approach to patient care extends beyond individual visits. He values the relationships he builds with his patients, drawing on his background in a close-knit community to deliver personalized care.

Beyond his professional pursuits, Dr. Welsch enjoys playing basketball, exploring his musical talents as a bass guitarist in an optometrist rock band, and cultivating his year-round vegetable garden. He considers himself an amateur soil scientist, aiming to use his knowledge to help others improve soil quality and reduce runoff into local water supplies.

Dr. Welsch is looking forward to meeting you and your family and providing personalized eye care for years to come.